Monday, December 28, 2009

Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?

Hell no.Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?
Guess it depends which side of the isle you are on. No newspaper can please everyone and no newspaper is always wrong. I like the Huffington Post. I try to read many newspapers to keep up with what is going on. You should never read just the ones you agree with.Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?
No, not reliable in the sense you mean; they are, however, a very, very reliable window into the insanity of the super-far left wingnut fringe during this election cycle. Quite entertaining stuff -- if you can stomach it! lol
Heck no. I confess that I head over there daily just to see what the liberals will use as their daily ';truthful'; talking points. I also am on one of Obama's mailing lists simply to get my update of half truths and more ';talking points';.

I lost brain cells when I read a post by them.

Reliability on those sites is like reliability on North Korea to end their Nuclear Program.
Arianna Huffington called Joe Biden ';morally bankrupt.';

So the Post has at least a tad of credibility.
Just as reliable as WND or some right wing blog. I don't use none of them as sources of anything beyond a laugh.
They are a reliable source for jokes and an inside look at what the left is thinking.
Huffington Post far more than DailyKos.
Not all the time, but they are when they provide credible sources for their claims.
Huff is a little better than DailyKOS but not by much, they both suck.
To get an accurate inside look at the liberal brainrot yes
They are just as credible as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily
Leftists take them to the bank. Should I laugh or cry?

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