Monday, December 28, 2009

Is there any difference in the reporting from the Hussein loving liberal biased AP & the anti-America dailykos?鈥?/a>Is there any difference in the reporting from the Hussein loving liberal biased AP %26amp; the anti-America dailykos?
ap isn't allowed to swear.Is there any difference in the reporting from the Hussein loving liberal biased AP %26amp; the anti-America dailykos?
As with all questions of this ilk, the truth is that the so-called liberal media is neither liberal nor conservative. It is corporate. It runs on ratings and advertiser dollars. The media started covering Obama more than a year ago because he was an oddity that drew attention from their audience. As he grew more and more popular, they covered him more and more. Individual reporters sometimes show bias, on BOTH sides of the aisle, but the networks themselves go by what sells. The same applies to print media. Every newscast I've seen in the last six months has covered both Sidney and Obama. And the great majority of them, on both sides, have given the correct facts, although some slant them one way and some the other.

The fact that you disagree with some of the things they say and you don't want to hear them doesn't make them biased. It makes them a free press, something we're supposed to have according to the Constitution.
Who's the terrorist pal?

In light of Sarah Palin dredging up old, disproved lies about Barack Obama and William Ayers it is important to remember (and much more relevant) that she repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and wanted to secede from the Union. Sarah's husband, Todd Palin, was a member of this group, which continues to venerate that founder to this day, for years.

As you already know, the group is the Alaska Independence Party, which sees as its ultimate goal seceding from the union. Todd was a member, with a brief exception, from 1995 until 2002, according to the Division of Elections in Alaska.

And there's no doubt that Palin repeatedly courted this secessionist organization over the years. In 1994, Palin attended the group's annual convention, according to witnesses who spoke to ABC News' Jake Tapper. The McCain campaign has confirmed she visited the group's 2000 convention, and she addressed its convention this year, as an incumbent governor whose oath of office includes upholding the Constitution of the United States.

The founder of the AIP was a man named Joe Vogler. Here's what he had to say in a 1991 interview, only a few years before Palin attended its convention: ';The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government.';

He also said this: ';And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.';

Vogler has also said: ';I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.';

And while we're at it, how about her preacher laying hands on her and protecting her from witches? How main street America is that?
Douglas K Daniel has always been a nutjob. He isn't a reporter, he is a democrat hack and always has been.
  • male makeup
  • Is Sean Hannity the right winged extreme version of the ';dailykos';?

    seriously...... the guy even had the editor of the National Enquirer on his show to talk about the John Edwards affair. The funny part is, now that the National Enquirer is accusing Sarah Palin of having an affair with her husbands ex-business partner, I doubt we will see the editor of the National Enquirer making any visits to Hannity's studio anytime soon.Is Sean Hannity the right winged extreme version of the ';dailykos';?
    No, I have never heard Hannity say that he wishes anyone to die a horrible death of cancer, nor have I heard him use the foul and perverted language about anyone that you find on the Kos and/or Huffington Post.

    Hannity is very opinionated, but he is not full of outright hatred and viciousness. I may disagree with him at times, but at least he conducts himself in a reasonable manner, not like the hate-mongers on Kos, who laugh at human suffering.Is Sean Hannity the right winged extreme version of the ';dailykos';?
    Hannity is an excellent example of 1st amendment rights vs. sheer manipulative political propaganda on the publicly owned airwaves.

    TV and Radio use airwaves that belong to the American public. Political commentary is one thing, but selectively truthful political propaganda is quite another.

    If Hannity wants to disseminate his version of propaganda, let him do it in print or on the Internet on his own dime like the Daily Kos and spare us his daily abuse of public property.

    Just by himself, Hannity is a superb argument for the Fairness Doctrine.
    Yes, Hannity is a right-wing wonk. He isn't as bad as the Kos (he won't wish somebody to have cancer), but his opinions are all irrationally Right.

    (And Alan Colms is his lefty puppet the same way The View has a token Conservative among all of those Liberal women. Having a token ';idiot'; from the opposing point of view seems to be the format these days for agenda driven, biased broadcasts).
    The thing that amazes me most about Hannity is how he can go on the air day after day repeating the same catch-phrases over and over.

    While his points may arguably be valid, it just smacks a little of a lack of originality of thought. In fact, I once heard him apologize to his listeners because he does this.

    I don't know if I would have the fortitude to sit in a chair for hours saying the same 10 - 15 words. You almost have to admire his endurance.
    the good old double standard. Hannity is the worse of the right wingers because he actually knows only what is told to him by Karl Rove. he announce yesterday the elections are over and Obama's comment has already cost him the election. This coming from a guy who only mud slings. they also ran Obama's comment and added laughter and edited the tape. Now that is a double standard.
    Wrong again. The daily kos is nothing but leftist hate. Hannity actually stuck up for Obama when a preacher in Harlem said that Obama was ';born trash';. No one on Daily Kos would ever stick up for McCain if the same was said about him. Game, set, match lefty.
    I have never heard Sean Hannity celebrate when someone dies of cancer or breaks a hip.

    Hannity's stories have a basis in fact, unlike the Kos.
    Sean speaks the truth and is upset when lib media glosses over their boys mistakes.

    I agree with him.

    No one is as bias as the kos.

    McCain / Palin 08
    there was proof of Edwards affair but as of yet none about palins just like all the other lies the left has spread about her.
    Sean Hannity is an entertainer. Without liberals, he wouldn't have a job.
    No. He has strong opinions. There is not comparison to the haters at The Daily KOS.
    He is worse than Kos. His lies and deceit are on television and reach more people.
    No, I have never heard him wish that someone die. Kos is not only too far left, but sick in the head.
    He is a neo-nazi.
    Sean just needs some mental help

    Do you find it hilarious, when Obamabots cite and such sites as their source of information?

    No wonder they BELIEVE all this Hussein Obama bullsh*t.Do you find it hilarious, when Obamabots cite and such sites as their source of information?
    It is funny, especially when they quote those folks or the huffingtonpost.

    For all of you Obamanoids above, trying to slam FOX News, you need to do your homework. FOX just happens to be the Number One #1 rated Cable News Network in the United States of America!Do you find it hilarious, when Obamabots cite and such sites as their source of information?
    Do you find it hilarious, when McCaindeads use Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, the NRA, or Little Green Footballs as a source of information?

    Daily Kos is a BLOG. Blogs contain opinion, as well as investigative journalism. Yes, that is a leftist blog, and not a very reliable one.

    My point is that listening to Hannity doesn't make you well-informed, either.
    What I find even more hilarious is that the McCain supporters have people like you spamming the internet calling Obama a ';terrorist'; in a sad attempt to scare people into voting for the other side.

    Typical Republican.
    what i find hilarious is that people dont learn. you would rather have another 4 years just like the last eight rather than take the smallest chance on improving our country.

    BTW the guy who used fox news and legitimate in the same sentence should have his mama slapped
    I read the Daily Kos is ran by a paid CIA disinformation agent for the purpose of discrediting the liberal movement.

    I even have a source...and if it's on the internet, it's true:鈥?/a>
    Not so hilarious so much. More sad that people do not go to sites that give the facts. If people read those sites, they should try looking at more objective places. It can be hard, when there are so many people who are so emotional about their politics.
    I couldn't have said it better myself. Some of them probably actually believe that reading the dailykos is equivalent to doing research. Now, that's funny.
    I guess the Huffington Post and MoveON must be offline tonite

    McPalin 08
    Ditto OracleOf Delphi
    Well,when ya got nothing,ya gotta grasp straws...
    So ONE PERSON cites and you think we ALL do???

    Well...there's Republican logic for ya.
    faux news makes me laugh when cited by the oilgarchs
    I've never cited dailykos but it's at least as legitimate as Fox News, WND and Newsmax.

    Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?

    Hell no.Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?
    Guess it depends which side of the isle you are on. No newspaper can please everyone and no newspaper is always wrong. I like the Huffington Post. I try to read many newspapers to keep up with what is going on. You should never read just the ones you agree with.Do you think the DailyKOS or the Huffington Post are reliable sources?
    No, not reliable in the sense you mean; they are, however, a very, very reliable window into the insanity of the super-far left wingnut fringe during this election cycle. Quite entertaining stuff -- if you can stomach it! lol
    Heck no. I confess that I head over there daily just to see what the liberals will use as their daily ';truthful'; talking points. I also am on one of Obama's mailing lists simply to get my update of half truths and more ';talking points';.

    I lost brain cells when I read a post by them.

    Reliability on those sites is like reliability on North Korea to end their Nuclear Program.
    Arianna Huffington called Joe Biden ';morally bankrupt.';

    So the Post has at least a tad of credibility.
    Just as reliable as WND or some right wing blog. I don't use none of them as sources of anything beyond a laugh.
    They are a reliable source for jokes and an inside look at what the left is thinking.
    Huffington Post far more than DailyKos.
    Not all the time, but they are when they provide credible sources for their claims.
    Huff is a little better than DailyKOS but not by much, they both suck.
    To get an accurate inside look at the liberal brainrot yes
    They are just as credible as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily
    Leftists take them to the bank. Should I laugh or cry?

    Palin tripled special needs funding instead of cutting it. Has the DailyKos even been sued for libel?

    Yeah...and you don't hear any news organizations setting the record straight.

    Will DailyKos and cease to have such pull over the dem party if obama goes down to McCain/Palin?

    Will the dem party shift back to the middle of political views, or will they continue to be run by the ultra looney america hating left?Will DailyKos and cease to have such pull over the dem party if obama goes down to McCain/Palin?
    No, the left will dig in even more and treat all the nonsense that spews from kos and move on as gospel. Their fervor will put Jimmy Swaggart to shame.Will DailyKos and cease to have such pull over the dem party if obama goes down to McCain/Palin?
    Will Talk Radio and Fox News cease to have such pull over the Republican Party if McCain goes down to Obama/Biden? I think their influence in shifting the country to the right has had serious dire consequences. The Bush presidency has been a disaster and has precipitated the country into a decline.

    People have to start thinking rationally and sensibly about the actual issues facing the American people and forget about the standard trite meaningless phrases that McCain is offering as solutions.
    I don't hate America, I just want to fix things that are wrong with the country and make them better. For instance US is 37th in the world, I would like it to be at least in the top 10 in the world by having better policies that insure everyone, lower crime, lower poverty and lopwer infant mortality, as is the case in Europe.

    Albert he isn't serious.
    I'm British, so I'm not sure if this guy is serious when he calls the Democrats ';ultra left';.

    Is this a commonly held view in the US, or is the questioner just a spotty, teenage know-nothing, who hasn't got a girlfriend ?
    I would like to think that these ultra far left organizations really don't have that much influence on the democratic party - but somehow the dems have nominated three loony socialists in a row, so I really might have to change my mind.
    United we stand - divided we fall. You calling those on the left America hating is not helping anything.
    After backing a admitted Muslim you would think they be Done, George Soros has a lot of money to give these Communist bloggers they will keep going.
    Every assumption you made is completely false. Obviously, the answer is no.
    They are insignificant anyways...
    God I hope so. Many are starting to realize the extremism there.
    We don't hate America. We hate what America has become. and we will keep fighting for our country.
    Not if, but when.
    I hope so because frankly I am tired of going with the GOP.

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    If Obama were to select Evan Bayh as his running mate, would DailyKos types stroke out?

    It's enough to make me pull for Bayh just to watch their heads spin around like Linda Blair.If Obama were to select Evan Bayh as his running mate, would DailyKos types stroke out?
    yeah that would be hilarious but it's not going to happen.

    i tend to believe it's going to be someone from left field. he would very smart to leave biden for the secretary of state position. so i think it'll be someone like hillary, kaine, or nunn.If Obama were to select Evan Bayh as his running mate, would DailyKos types stroke out?
    Even wont be his running mate

    he already said so

    he doesnt agree with alot of what obama says

    like abortion

    nationalizing oil where the democrats will set the price of oil

    one world order where we all belong to the U.N

    winfall tax profits where the consumer will pay

    disarming America at a time of war
    haaaaa don't forget the green slime. haaaa
    Bayh is blah. Nunn is the one. (For strokes in the fringers.)
  • male makeup
  • How can anyone read the political garbage that sites like Huffington Post & DailyKos put out?

    Huff. is the political Enquirer

    The fixation with Fox News continues! I knew you couldn't get an answer from libs that didn't mention Fox!

    No wonder it's # 1! LOL

    You libs are hilarious in your insecurity! LOLHow can anyone read the political garbage that sites like Huffington Post %26amp; DailyKos put out?
    What you have to understand is, the people that read the Huffington Post and the DailyKos are products of liberal education and therefore cannot read for COMPREHENSION. They can read just fine. They simply DO NOT understand what they are reading. But since the sites blame George W. Bush for everything, it is easy for these sheep to hop on the bandwagon and spew the opinions expressed on these blogs as fact...when they are nothing more than extremely liberally BIASED OPINIONS.How can anyone read the political garbage that sites like Huffington Post %26amp; DailyKos put out?
    I find it extremely, I mean extremely ironic that this question is posted here.

    As a matter of fact, I am RFLMAO with the irony of this question considering what people post here.

    You should be a political comedian, this is the most ironic, satire I have ever read here.

    It has to be a joke, otherwise somebody would have to be an idiot to believe there is any difference between opinions on those sites and what is here,

    Funny, funny, funny.
    For some people it is like devine communication. The word of god. Their bible.

    They truly accept it as intellectual sustenance.

    They believe, without it, they will be corrupted.

    Arianna Huffington created the model as a business venture. She is a staunch capitalist. A Greek immigrant married to an oil tycoon who was a close family friend of the Bush's believe it or not.

    Ann Getty was the match maker.

    Huffington describes herself as a populist but, she is actually just an opportunist who has scammed millions.
    The thing about their articles is that they are independently verifiable, unlike the lies that are spewed on Faux Noise. You can check out what they say on any site that you find trustworthy--BBC, AP, USA Today, McClatchy News--and you can prove or disprove the points they are making. But when Bill O'Reilly sits there and just smears people, there's no way to independently verify what he is saying because there are no facts behind it.
    Easy. I have this little icon on my iphone and when I get on the train I just touch the icon and it magically opens. Then, even after being educated in public schools, I am able to read the articles.
    On HuffPo, sometimes conservatives post articles, and they sure as hell post comments. I don't read DailyKos because it's the FOX News of liberals.
    You can throw in, who have banned me from posting anything. So much for freedom of speech, eh?

    They are all leftist, socialist outlets why would I read their propaganda?
    Probably the same way many right wing nuts swallow all the misinformation the right wing evangelical conservatives dish out on a daily basis.
    You're right. From now on I'll confine myself to World Net Daily, a repository of truth.

    Then I'll go beat my kids, chew some tobacco, and shoot a deer.
    A lot of people are intelligent enough to decipher fact from opinion in blog articles...

    The facts are backed up with links, opinions aren't. Its that simple.
    Where else would the libs get their crap from other than the huffpo and such?
    Just because they don't slant toward your politics doesn't mean they're not for everybody. You seem to be in the minority anyway.
    If by ';political garbage'; you mean inconvenient and uncomfortable reality, then yes I have....
    Because they are good, insightful and full of factual information. Unlike most major news networks.........especially Fox.
    One man's garbage is another man's treasure
    It's like with any media.... some of it's true, some not.... but almost all of it is exaggerated or played down, per their agenda..
    At least they don't air it on television like FUX.
    the two sources you cite have less credibility than the perez hilton

    web sight!!!
    I can't. Its too far left and all its useful for is in the fire place.
    It's like the fox news Bizzaro world.
    Thank you for watching Fox News, you have made us #1
    the liberal media is dying alongside their president so dont sweat it
    I think they just look at the pictures
    Does The Onion count? Cause I love it!
    Oh please - did you read Ann Coulter's latest drivel?
    I use them for toilet paper
    The same way people watch the Fox ****
    I've been wondering the same about Faux News.
    I've been wondering the same about Faux News, and Limbaugh.

    Anyone notice the DailyKos site has said nothing about that black Muslim thug who killed William Long?

    Or that HuffingtonPost has buried the story in favor of George Tiller? I wonder if MSNBC will say anything about the murder of William Long.Anyone notice the DailyKos site has said nothing about that black Muslim thug who killed William Long?
    They are in solidarity with the murderer and against the GI's just like Code Pink.Anyone notice the DailyKos site has said nothing about that black Muslim thug who killed William Long?
    MSNBC has already covered it, multiple times. Daily KOS is not a news site; it's a blog. So what if they didn't cover it.

    The assassination of Dr Tiller was clear-cut domestic terrorism. The murder at the recruiting office was a one-off murder and would never have garnered any wide attention if the accused killer hadn't CLAIMED to be a Muslim.
    Hard to notice when the mainstream media only reports against the right. I did know though.

    Muslim attacks recruiting station, kills soldier, not news.

    Baby killing doctor gets whats coming to him, and the evil shooter is news for a week.

    Just par for the course.
    Why do you and many others assume that this a right v. left issue? Dems hate all murder, not just those against certain groups. Tiller's death is more newsworthy because of the circumstances surrounding it. Murders occur every day. Do you hear about them?
    All murders are tragic. What you're missing is that there has been no movement attacking military recruiters. When an organized campaign to harass doctors results in the murder of one, that's news.
    There's a difference: William Long's accused killer wasn't incited to it by an American ';news'; network. Dr. Tiller's accused killer was.

    I don't read blog sites that pretend to be knews like Daily KOS and Worldnetdaily.

    BTW how do you bury storys on the internet?

    Are you trying to say you don't know how to use a search bar?
    William Long wasn't murdered, he died of old age. Its time to stop doing meth.
    Ooops wrong site, entered a cracker site by mistake.
    Why would they, he is probably a subscriber to those sites!
    Why would they bother. It is the top headline at WND, Fox News, and CNS.

    And yes, MSNBC condemned all the murders.
    I guess the life of a late-term abortionist is more valued than that of a soldier to them.
    It doesn't fit their Pravda.
    Happens here in NYC every day
    Gosh - were you hoping for some good race hate?

    How can we get the dailykos shutdown?

    How can we get in contact with their advertisers... It's a far left extremist site that smears people without any proof. How can we get the dailykos shutdown?
    I agree, they are obscene. There are even NBC anchors that have blog pages there. This is what is wrong with the Left...even Obama has come out and said that he has no ties to them.How can we get the dailykos shutdown?
    It should stay up so people can see what the far left is really like.
    Such is liberalism, all talk with no substance.
    for every one site like the dailykos, there are two other sites for the right winged extremists that are loaded with lies...

    why not shut them all down...

    right after you go after Limbaught, Hannity, O'reily, worlnetdaily, Malkin, Coulter....
    Spoken like a true conservative. Keep people from speaking unless they say what you want. Great representative question!
    If there is a way...I will do my part.

    Why are DailyKos and HuffingtonPost silent on the murder of that Arkansas recruiter by a black Muslim?

    In fact, why are all the liberal blogs silent?Why are DailyKos and HuffingtonPost silent on the murder of that Arkansas recruiter by a black Muslim?
    Because it is the DailyKos and Huffington Post (I think they been Huffing a little too much glue lately). Do you actualy expect them to report the truth?

    How much money is the Obama Campaign paying Huffington Post/DailyKOS to smear Sarah Palin?

    She seemed to have a pretty clean record, and all of sudden she announced for VP and this massive smear hit job's are being posted without any proof or facts.

    How much did the Obama campaign put in for these pieces?How much money is the Obama Campaign paying Huffington Post/DailyKOS to smear Sarah Palin?
    Actually, she did not have a clean record. She has been investigated for quite some time now about trying to have her ex-brother in law fired from his job. Also, for possibly claiming a baby that was indeed her daughter's. There are pictures of her apparently when she was 8 months pregnant and she was flat as a board. Also, a woman does not give a 30 minute speech then board an 8 hour flight after her water breaks. This is common sense. How much money is the Obama Campaign paying Huffington Post/DailyKOS to smear Sarah Palin?
    I estimate that the Huffington Post/DailyKOS has about 2% of the following of right wing radio talk show and FOX news (Fair and Balanced), therefore, I am assuming that the amount of money being paid by the Obama Campaign is about 2% of the amount of money being paid to FOX and right wing radio talk shows by GOP friendly institutions.
    Hey, just look at all the libtards posting slander ';questions';. I'm taking a break from insulting them but I think it's one person with multiple accounts.

    The biased liberal media needs somethingg so they are going to make crap up to try and slander her and then use the hitler idea of repeating the lie until the masses believe it. Common tactic for liberal scum.

    Edit: Oh, and the second idiot that answered. He's just a troll and the one person I'm talking about. But it looks like he deleted his answer.鈥?/a> From the people who made up the lie in the first place. Wow, these fucks are low...
    it's a tiny record... that's why it's clean...

    and that's what most of the fuss is about... the tiny record...

    oh, and that what little of it there is seems to be ultra conservative...
    Even some of the Daily Kos' own registered users are disgusted:鈥?/a>
    Hmmm, when the truth equals something that makes you look bad, I guess that's hard to accept -huh buddy. How about refuting the things about Palin if you don't think they're true. Can you do it?
    No one has to pay the Huffington Post and the DailyKOS to put out disgusting filth. That's their goal.
    The messiah promised them a place in heaven with 40 bongs, a pound of weed and a never ending supply of brownies...
    FACTS are coming on Wed to a supermarket near YOU!!
    What is wrong with your brain..have you no depth?